Strategy Request Your Company NameYour Website AddressPreviousNextHave you ever tried Google Ads? Yes NoWhich other types of advertising are you currently using? Select more than one if applicable: Facebook Ads SEO TV Radio Newspaper / Print Other NonePreviousNextWhat’s your ideal target area for advertising? Local Regional National Worldwide What’s your business postcode?PreviousNextWhat do you feel you are struggling with the most? Select more than one if applicable: Not enough website traffic Poor lead quality Not generating enough leads Not converting enough leads Don't have enough time Low marketing budgetPreviousNextWhich of your services/products give you the biggest profit and are essential for you to advertise?PreviousNextWhich search terms/keywords do you think people would type into Google to find your business, services or products?PreviousNextWhat percentage of leads do you or your sales team convert into sales? 0% - 10% 10% - 20% 20% - 40% 40% - 60% 60% - 80% More than 80%PreviousNextRoughly how many leads do you currently get per month?How many leads would you like per month? 1 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 50 50 - 100 100+ I want them all!PreviousNextWhat is your current MONTHLY revenue?What Is Your Target MONTHLY revenue?PreviousNextRoughly how much is your average profit per sale?PreviousNextHow much are you currently spending on marketing your business per month?What is your available monthly marketing budget? Previous Submit Form